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GRE Words - Spanish words Marauder

Mastering the GRE: Unveiling Spanish Gems in Your Vocabulary Arsenal

Saludos (Greetings) GRE warriors! This week, we’re taking a vacaciones de estudio! (study vacation) to sunny Spain, exploring the rich tapestry of the English language and its fascinating connection to Spanish. We’ll delve into three potent words with Spanish roots and a bonus practice question to solidify your understanding. So, comencemos! (let’s start)

1. Guerilla (pronounced gə-ril-ə): Beyond the Ape

First up, we encounter “guerilla,” often misused as “gorilla,” the majestic primate. However, “guerilla” refers to a soldier, typically part of an elite (select) rebellion (uprising) force. These warriors employ irregular (unconventional) tactics, unlike traditional warfare, aiming to surprise the enemy.

This strategy even transcends battlefields, influencing marketing through “guerilla marketing,” where companies strive to catch consumers off guard with unconventional campaigns.

Example Sentence: The company’s audacious (daring) guerilla marketing campaign, featuring a flash mob in Times Square, successfully galvanized (energized) public interest in their new product.

2. Embargo (pronounced em-bär-gō) : A Trade Freeze

Moving on, we encounter “embargo,” signifying a trade sanction (restriction) imposed by one nation on another. Unlike “embark” (to begin a journey), an embargo restricts trade, often a temporary (short-term) measure in response to political tensions.

Example Sentence: In response to the nation’s human rights violations, the international community implemented a stringent (strict) embargo on their exports.

3. Marauder (pronounced mə-rôd-ər) or Maraud (verb): The Looter

Our final word is “marauder,” which describes someone who plunders (steals) and pillages (devastates) through raiding. Don’t confuse this with “murderer.”

Example Sentence: During the civil war, rampant (widespread) marauding left innocent civilians destitute (impoverished), their homes and livelihoods destroyed.

Bonus Challenge:

Now, let’s test your newfound knowledge! Here’s a sentence with two blanks:

Fill in the blanks with words of Spanish origin. Not all of the words in the table are of Spanish origin. But the correct answers are. Share your answers in the comments, and we’ll reveal the correct answer soon!

The hubbub of the celebratory ___ (1)___ in his neighbor’s house did not stop Edward from enjoying his regular post-lunch ___ (2)____

Blank 1Blank 2

Remember: Consistent practice and exploration of word origins are key to mastering the GRE. By understanding the nuances of these Spanish-derived words, you’ll not only ace the exam but also wield a powerful vocabulary in your everyday interactions. Hasta luego! (See you later!)

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